Abdulrahim Al-Kooheji Foundation is a charitable organization registered in the Kingdom of Bahrain, which seeks to support and develop the charity sector to build a good example and sustainable development, according to a scientific methodology, a qualitative initiatives and an effective partnerships.

The Foundation adopts supporting priority projects by looking for those that are comply with the strategies and objectives achieved through strategic partnerships with a number of specialized institutions for the development of charity work and in partnership with government institutions and official associations in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The Foundation seeks to find quality projects and programs in its environment, To be followed to become good example in the community, and contribute to maximize the reward for the founders.
Our Vision
Sustainable institution; pioneering in emerging, caring and impact
Our Mission
We seek to provide support and care for the leading humanitarian and social programs in charitable, humanitarian and social societies in the Bahrain society, with pioneering professionalism, community partnership, and appreciation for all employees, clients and beneficiaries.
Our Goals
- To achieve poineering in the emerging, care and support for charities through sustainable institutional work.
- Integrating with charitable, social and humanitarian organizations in a manner that serves and achieves common interests and benefits and reflects a positive image of the foundation and its partners.
- To cover the local need for the pioneer initiatives and prioritize initiatives and programs.
- Provide care to all Kooheji family members and all employees of the companies owned by the founders.
Our Values
Empowerment: We offer empowerment to charities and social organizations according to specific standards that qualify them to pioneer in their field. We do not implement directly but in very narrow fields, if necessary.
Leadership: A unique model to be followed by the granting institutions in terms of quantity, quality, care and implementation.
Sustainability: Self-sustainability, in order to achieve stability, continuation, renewal and self-development.
Partnership: We work in an integrated manner with our charitable, humanitarian and social partners in Bahrain society.
Our Pillars
Sustainability: Establishing a sustainable business in terms of origin and care ie self-sufficiency and continuous growth.
Social Innovation: Establish and sponsor social initiatives that are studied and selected according to the programs of social innovation labs.
Family Care: Achieving self-sufficiency for decent living, and excellence for the whole family.
Successful partnerships: Strengthen relationships with partners from official institutions and charities assigned in implementing initiatives.
Direct impact: Initiatives and sponsorships must have a direct qualitative and quantitative impact on the targeted community.